02/01/2021 / By Lance D Johnson
Medical tyranny continues. The Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington violated both ethics and law when they falsely imprisoned an elderly woman in their facility. According to family reports, the falsely imprisoned woman was admitted for a urinary tract infection and agreed to stay overnight in the hospital. Upon entry, she did not show any sign of respiratory illness and therefore did not consent to a covid-19 test swab.
The next day, the woman was reportedly held in the facility against her will, and was not allowed to leave. Her family was denied access to her as well. The power of attorney (her daughter) was barred from entering the hospital as the hospital’s security personnel blocked the entrance. The security personnel aggressively pushed the daughter back after she tried to enter the facility.
The sheriff’s office received a call from a family member of the elderly patient at 4:50 PM on Friday January 29th. The caller, claiming Medical Power of Attorney, reported that her mother was being held against her will; and that, as her daughter, she was being kept from her mother.
Instead of responding to the distressed woman, the Sheriff’s office ignored her request and dispatched twenty-two officers to the hospital to help lock it down and prevent the woman from accessing her mother. The officers filed in around 6:30 p.m. In the most cruel, inhumane fashion, the hospital conspired with the sheriff’s department to deprive the family of their civil liberties and falsely imprison the matriarch of the family. One man tried to get into the hospital, thrusting open the doors, but he was pepper sprayed through the crack in the door. The man spit the pepper spray out instantly and continued to fight for his family, prying at the doors again. A group of friends came to support the family outside the hospital and began interrogating the officers and demanding the family have access to one other.
By 8:30 p.m., a spokesperson at Legacy Salmon Creek said the hospital was in a so-called “silver lock down” and was not letting anyone in. Reportedly, the hospital would not release the elderly woman until she produced a negative covid-19 test result from a highly inaccurate, non-transparent testing protocol. By forcing this on the woman, the hospital broke the law, denying the patient her right to body autonomy, and essentially forcing her into medical experimentation. At approximately 9 p.m. the patient was allowed to leave and deputies were notified that preparations were underway to discharge her. She left with her family and the crowd dispersed shortly after, according to the sheriff’s office.
When it comes to situations like this, the American Medical Association is clear. Informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental in both ethics and law. Patients have the right to receive information and ask questions about recommended treatments so that they can make well-considered decisions about care. Communication is essential for establishing trust in the doctor-patient relationship so a sound decision can be made.
Instead of standing with the family, supporting basic human rights, and calling for medical ethics and informed consent, the sheriff’s department protected the establishment that wrongfully stereotyped the forcibly-separated family and falsely imprisoned their mother, calling them “covid-deniers” and “anti-vaxxers.” These baseless attacks toward the family are an insult to victims of medical tyranny and do not address the hospital’s repeated violation of medical ethics and their tyrannical abandonment of informed consent and basic human decency.
Watch at live-streamed clip at Brighteon.com:
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Tagged Under: body autonomy, false imprisonment, health freedom, Hospitals, human dignity, human rights, informed consent, medical ethics, medical fascism, medical police state, Medical Tyranny, power of attorney, Tyranny
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